by brantstew | Jul 23, 2014 | education, hope, lebanon, refugees, syria, syrianrefugees
It’s been about a year since I started this blog, and nearly as long since I last updated it. Although I haven’t been posting much, my efforts in Lebanon have not ceased, and I’m continuing to film for my documentary on education and working to provide...
by brantstew | Sep 16, 2013 | beirut, education, hope, lebanon, refugees, stories, syria
A lot has happened since my last blog entry. Please forgive me for my neglect, and please afford me some time to provide you with, what I hope will be, some sobering statistics and imagery. Three weeks ago a very important event occurred. Another child crossed one of...
by brantstew | Jul 25, 2013 | beirut, education, hope, lebanon, refugees, syria
As I mentioned in my previous post, I have been speaking with a lot of Syrian refugees, and the process is becoming more familiar and fine-tuned with each day. I meet a family, I tell them about the school I want to open in their town, and I explain that in order to...
by brantstew | Jul 20, 2013 | beirut, education, hope, lebanon, refugees, syria
I have been speaking with a lot of refugees, and their stories are all sadly similar. They stayed in Syria for as long as they could until they felt it was no longer safe enough for them there. After crossing the Lebanese border, they made their way to areas in...
by brantstew | Jul 10, 2013 | beirut, education, hope, hunger, refugees, syria
Over my years of gypsy-like fervent travel, I have come to take extreme pleasure in returning to familiar places. My return to Beirut last week was no exception. My cab driver from the airport brought a huge grin to my face as I listened to him complain about having...