A Flame of Hope

A Flame of Hope

As I mentioned in my previous post, I have been speaking with a lot of Syrian refugees, and the process is becoming more familiar and fine-tuned with each day. I meet a family, I tell them about the school I want to open in their town, and I explain that in order to...


I have been speaking with a lot of refugees, and their stories are all sadly similar. They stayed in Syria for as long as they could until they felt it was no longer safe enough for them there. After crossing the Lebanese border, they made their way to areas in...
World Refugee Day

World Refugee Day

Today is World Refugee Day. According to UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), “World Refugee Day was established by the United Nations to honor the courage, strength and determination of women, men and children who are forced to flee their...
News From Home

News From Home

A Syrian refugee, accompanied by his son, watches a news broadcast from Aleppo. While visiting the family in their home outside of Beirut, Lebanon, they inform me that they watch the news every day in order to see and hear what is happening in their home city. Most...